Company Profile

Clarendon private is a full service firm offering investment and wealth management solutions to individuals, families, foundations, endowments and businesses. Understanding our clients- their goals, return objectives, and risk tolerance-allows us to build comprehensive strategies to protect and grow their assets.

Investment Philosophy

Long-Term Focus

A long-term approach allows us to take advantage of short-term market dislocations and capture long term results. Our investment time horizon of 3-5 years is a competitive advantage that allows us to capitalize on behavioral biases and short-sighted investment actions.


We invest alongside our clients and we are incentivized to do what is best for clients rather than sell products. This is a byproduct of our in-house expertise and conviction-based approach.

We look for:

  • Attractive Industries

  • Cash flow growth

  • Defensible earnings

  • Stable balance sheets

  • Strong/improving returns on invested capital (ROIC)


We seek investments in companies that generate returns in excess of their capital costs. This affords them the ability to reinvest in growth and return excess capital to shareholders through dividends and share buybacks.


Historically, concentrated portfolios have outperformed diversified peers owing to their high active share. Our deep fundamental research and risk management affords us the ability to manage concentrated, high conviction portfolios.

Client Alignment

We invest alongside our clients and we are incentivized to do what is best for clients rather than sell products. This is a byproduct of our in-house expertise and conviction-based approach.

Investment Solutions

Investment Process

Our research-driven investment process marries bottom up-fundamentals with top-down research and scenario analysis. We pride ourselves on being long-term investors with an average holding period of four years.

We seek to construct high-quality portfolios.

Our goal is to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns over a full market cycle. In addition, we strive to maximize after-tax returns through tax loss harvesting and tailored tax-managed solutions. We rely on a proven framework to add value across asset classes through a hybrid active-passive approach with an emphasis on high-quality investments and like-minded outside managers.

We focus on getting the big calls right.

Our investment team works closely with our clients to establish an appropriate asset allocation by:

  • Determining long-term strategic asset class exposures based on risk tolerances and return objectives

  • Our long-term approach allows us to capitalize on the behavioral-driven, short-term price action that dominates market activity